Τρίτη 24 Απριλίου 2012



Αρχαγγελική: Τονωτική, αναιμία, ευστόμαχη, συκώτι, εντερίτιδα, ρευματισμούς, αρθριτικά.
Αγριάδα: Πέτρες νεφρών, προστάτη, χολή, πολύ διουρητική.
Άγριο Τριαντάφυλλο: Χοληστερίνη, ζάχαρο, άμυνα οργανισμού, περιέχει βιταμίνη C.
Αγριμόνιο: Ζαχαροδιαβήτη, φαρυγγίτιδα, πόνοι λαιμού, διάρροια.
Αλθαία: Μαλακτική, λαρυγγίτιδα, βήχα, φαρυγγίτιδα.
Αχιλλέα: Αιμορροΐδες, κιρσούς, γρίπη, άσθμα, λιποδιάλυση.
Αψιθιά: Ζάχαρο, διαταραχές έμμηνων, χωνευτική, εμετούς.
Βασιλικός: Για καλή μνήμη, πονοκεφάλους, στομαχόπονους.
Βαλεριάνα: Ηρεμιστική, νεύρα, αϋπνίες, υστερία.
Βάτος: Ζαχαροδιαβήτη, διάρροια, πέτρες στα νεφρά, αρθριτικά, ρευματισμούς.
Γαϊδουράγκαθο: Συκώτι, καρδιά, στομάχι.
Γλυκάνισο: Κολικούς, χώνεψη, λιποδιάλυση, κοιλόπονους.
Γλυκόριζα: Βήχα, κρυολόγημα, άσθμα, γαστρικά έλκη.
Γκίνσενγκ: Αφροδισιακό, τονωτικό, δίνει μακροζωία.
Δενδρολίβανο: Τριχόπτωση, πιτυρίδα, καρδιά, συκώτι.
Δίκταμο Κρήτης: Στομαχοπαθήσεις, αφροδισιακό, ζάχαρο.
Εκουϊζέτο: Προστάτης, πέτρες στα νεφρά, ρευματικά.
Ευκάλυπτος: Βήχα, άσθμα, καλή λειτουργία αναπνευστικού.
Εχινάτσεα: Διεγερτικό του ανοσοποιητικού, αντιαλλεργικό.
Θυμάρι: Συκώτι, χωνευτικό, στομάχι, καρδιά, ρευματισμούς.
Ιβίσκος: Χοληστερίνη, τριγλυκερίδια, ζάχαρο, νεύρα-ηρεμία.
Καλαμπόκι (φούντα): Πέτρες νεφρών, κύστη χολής, ουρικό οξύ, προστάτη.
Καλέντουλα: Εμμηναγωγική, κατά εκζέματος και ακμής, έλκος δωδεκαδάκτυλου.
Κισσός: Κυτταρίτιδα, ρευματισμούς.
Κραταίγος: Αρρυθμίες, ταχυπαλμία, υπόσταση, βουητό αυτιών, καρδιοτονικό.
Κυπαρισσάκι: Προστάτη, κυστίτιδα, πέτρες νεφρών, ζάχαρο, διουρητικό.
Λεβάντα: Γενικό παυσίπονο, καρδιά, πονοκέφαλο, ιλίγγους, αϋπνία, σκόρο.
Λουΐζα: Αδυνάτισμα, αέρια εντέρου, δυσκοιλιότητα, τυμπανισμούς.
Μαντζουράνα: Στομαχόπονους, αέρια, αϋπνίες, κοιλόπονο.

Μαστίχα Χίου:  Ζάχαρο,   χοληστερίνη,

 Στη σύγχρονη εποχή, η επιστημονική κοινότητα, έστω και με καθυστέρηση,
αλλά με ορθές και επιστημονικά αποδεκτές μεθόδους, έρχεται να επιβεβαιώσει και
να τεκμηριώσει τις ευεργετικές δράσεις της Μαστίχας Χίου.
Αποδεικνύεται πλέον επιστημονικά, ότι η Μαστίχα Χίου παρουσιάζει ευεργετική δράση κατά
των παθήσεων του πεπτικού συστήματος, συμβάλλει στη στοματική υγιεινή,
παρουσιάζει σημαντική αντιμικροβιακή και αντιφλεγμονώδη δράση,
αποτελεί φυσικό αντιοξειδωτικό, ενώ παράλληλα συμβάλει στην επούλωση τραυμάτων και
την ανάπλαση της  επιδερμίδας. 
Μελισσόχορτο: Ηρεμιστικό, αϋπνίες, διαλύει ουρικό οξύ, υπέρταση.
Μέντα: Στομαχικές διαταραχές, γρίπη, ξηρόβηχα.
Μολόχα: Μαλακτική για το λαιμό, βήχα, λαρυγγίτιδα, φαρυγγίτιδα, γαστρίτιδα, άσθμα.
Πράσινο τσάι Κίνας: Χοληστερίνη, τριγλυκερίδια, συκώτι, χολή.
Πικρόξυλο: Ζάχαρο, χοληστερίνη.
Πασιφλόρα: Ηρεμιστική, αϋπνίες, στρες, νεύρα.
Πιπερόριζα: Τονωτική, αφροδισιακή.
Πολυκόμπι: Πέτρες νεφρών, προστάτη, κύστη, ζάχαρο, αιμορροΐδες.
Σπιρουλίνα χύμα: Για αδυνάτισμα, τόνωση του οργανισμού (βιταμίνες).
Σπαθόχορτο: Στομαχόπονους, ρευματισμούς, πληγές και κρεατοελιές.
Σαμπούκο: Γρίπη, φαρυγγίτιδα, κρυολόγημα, βρογχικά, βήχα.
Σκουπιδόχορτο: Πέτρες νεφρών, προστάτη, κυστίτιδα.
Σαλέπι: Πονόλαιμο, γρίπη, αφροδισιακό, δυναμωτικό.
Ταραξάκο: Ίκτερο, ρευματισμούς, αιμορροΐδες, ζαχαροδιαβήτη.
Τσάι βουνού: Θερμαντικό, γρίπη, βήχα, ηρεμιστικό, αϋπνίες, αναιμία.
Τσουκνίδα: Συκώτι, πέτρες νεφρών, διαλύει ουρικό οξύ, αφροδισιακό.
Ύσσωπος: Ζάχαρο, άσθμα, χοληστερίνη, βρογχικά, υπέρταση.
Φασκόμηλο: Ζάχαρο, υπόταση, αναιμία, δυναμωτικό, στομάχι.
Χαμομήλι: Ηρεμιστικό, αϋπνίες, διουρητικό, ρευματισμούς.

SOURCE. mastiha100.blogspot.com       bestmastiha@gmail.com

Παρασκευή 16 Μαρτίου 2012

Πέμπτη 15 Μαρτίου 2012

Mastiha tear


Chios mastiha is recommended for the relief of stomach desorders and contributes to the peptic system hygiene. This product is a daily nutrition supplement for the relief of stomach desorders.
www.mastihabest.com     bestmastiha@gmail.com

Κυριακή 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

mastiha therapy capsules

Για την μείωση του σακχάρου και της χοληστερόλης στο αίμα, για την θεραπεία του πεπτικού έλκους και γενικά για αντιμικροβιακή , αντιβακτηριδιακή και αντιοξειδωτική δράση ( πλούσια πηγή πολυφαινόλων).
Chios Mastiha capsules are an excellent way to guard your digestive system from stomach upsets and negative bacteria infiltration. It also helps in maintaining peptic system hygiene and relieving symptoms associated with acid reflux, ulcers, Crohn's disease and IBS.

www.mastihabest.com    tel. 30 69 94 70 50 40  365 days per year  8a.m.  10p.m.
Free Samples available - Discounts for 3 or more : bestmastiha@gmail.com

mastic mastiha μαστιχα

mastic mastiha μαστιχα

The earliest mention of mastic resin used for chewing is found in a fragment of an ancient Greek Comedy dating back to the 5th Century B.C.

The ancient Greeks chewed mastic for fresh breath and to clean their teeth, a practice that was picked up by the Romans and Byzantine Greeks, along with later medieval Europeans including the Venetians, Genoese, and the Ottoman Turks in their turn.

Mastic was also reputed to have a salutary effect on gum disease, stomach distempers and other gastrointestinal ailments, and was thus considered a medicine by ancient medical practitioners; evidence for this can be found in the writings of Hippocrates, Dioscorides and Galen.  

Thus, it is hardly surprising that the island of Chios was a much sought after commercial prize by occupiers from both East and West. After the Romans came the Byzantines, after them the Venetians, then the Genoese, and after them came the Ottoman Turks; and finally, a return to full Greek control again in 1923.

Yet, the importance of the mastic harvest was such that, even under Ottoman rule, the Mastic-Villages were allowed a form of self-government under their own parliament.
Today, mastic cultivation, harvest and production continue on the island of Chios pretty much unchanged in practice and tools since antiquity. Some 2 million mastic trees are cultivated and harvested by members of the Mastic Association, which is comprised of some 5,000 persons from the 24 mastiha mastic villages Masti ho horia.  ( must tea ho ho re ya )

tel. + 30 69 94 70 50 40         8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 365 days per year   -   sms service available

mastiha dental spray organic

organic mastiha dental spray and gel

tel. + 30 69 94 70 50 40         8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 365 days per year   -   sms service available

minimum order  1 piece  Free samples available - Discount for 3 or more.

organic toothpaste

Organic toothpaste Children safe
tel. + 30 69 94 70 50 40         8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 365 days per year   -   sms service available 
minimum order  1 piece,  5 or more get discount prices and FREE samples.

organic mastiha powder

Certified Fresh Organic Mastiha   info :  bestmastiha@gmail.com
tel. + 30 69 94 70 50 40         8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 365 days per year   -   sms service available -  
Bottle 15g, 20g,  25g,  30g.
Metal Box  20g,  30g.

mastiha powder organic

Certified  Fresh Mastiha Powder organic from 10 grams to hundreds of kilos for more info write to  .                    bestmastiha@gmail.com
organic mastiha see below

tel. + 30 69 94 70 50 40         8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 365 days per year   -   sms service available -

best mastiha items

best mastiha toothpaste for children  chemicals free :    www.mastihabest.com

Best products, Best prices, Best service.   We ship worldwide 365 days / year

Παρασκευή 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

mastiha products AAA

More Mastiha products AAA quality.
order at :  bestmastiha@gmail.com    www.mastihabest.com


mastiha heart

www.mastihabest.com    bestmastiha@gmail.com

Chios Mastiha

What is Mastiha? 

Mastiha is the natural and rare tree resin of the pistacia lentiscus var Chia tree. Scientific research has shown that this resin has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities.  It has been documented from antiquity for its health benefits, its use as the first natural chewing gum and as a cooking spice. Today, it is still chewed as well as used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and in the culinary world.  Chios mastiha contributes to a healthy gastrointestinal system and has beneficial effects for both oral hygiene and skin care.

Chios Mastiha is protected by the European Union as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product.  This distincion recognizes the name of a specific region or country where a specific agricultural product originates exclusively due to the geographical environment.  This includes the natural and human factors and production, alteration and processes which take place in the delineated geographical area.  All PDO products bear the EU symbol designating them as such.

Chewing Chios Mastiha is a truly unique experience.  To create your own natural piece of gum, select a few medium pieces of the resin, or combine a small piece with a large one.  The larger pieces tend to be softer than the small ones, so it is recommended that one chew a mixture rather than chew only the small, hard pieces.  Before chewing, let the pieces moisten in your mouth.  The mastiha may taste a bit bitter at first, but that taste fades into a light herbal flavor.  Begin chewing and the mastiha becomes a white silky color.  The resin keeps its hard texture indefinitely and this is precisely why it is recommended for gum health and amazingly clean teeth!  Keep chewing the gum for a half hour in order to gain all the therapeutic benefits.


Τετάρτη 25 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Mastiha Therapy - Mastic Gum Therapy

This product is recommended for the relief of stomach disorders and contributes to to the peptic system hygiene.
Each capsule contains pure Chios Mastiha.
Several studies have already been published on Mastiha / Mastic Gum with regard to its positive effects on the gastrointestinal environment, thus gaining respect among the scientific and medical community. Perhaps the most exciting breakthrough to date is that of a recent study showing Mastiha / Mastic Gum’s effectiveness against at least seven different strains of Helicobacter pylori.

In other studies, Mastiha / Mastic Gum provided symptomatic relief of ulcers, reduced the intensity of gastric mucosal damage caused by anti-ulcer drugs and aspirin, and possessed antacid and cytoprotective qualities. In several studies using Mastiha / Mastic Gum on patients with ulcers, the original site of the ulcer was completely replaced by healthy epithelial cells.
Recommended dosage: two capsules twice a day with water or juice
Order yours now   -     mastiha100@gmail.com

We export to all parts of the world 365 days per year.

Τρίτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Mastiha Recipes

Mastiha desserts

Various drinks with mastiha
Various drinks with Mastiha

Greek Pizza with Mastiha Tomato Sauce, Feta, and Shrimp marinated in Ouzo
Pork Keftedes with Mastiha and Thrymbi
Shrimp and Scallop Ceviche with Mastiha and Ouzo
Savory Bread Rings with Mastiha and Anise
Vasilopita/Greek New Years Bread

Mastiha and Cornmeal crusted Flounder
Pulled Chicken Sliders with Mastiha
Pomegranate Glazed Chicken with Mastiha scented Coucous
Leek and Eggplant Pasta Casserole with Mastiha

Mastiha flavored Chicken Breast stuffed with Roasted Peppers, Feta, and Pistachio
Spicy Lobster with Mastiha oil
Pan grilled Lamb Chops with a Mastiha Bearnaise Butter

Mastiha Ice Cream
Pistachio Ice Cream with Mastiha
Pistachio and Pomegranate Mastiha cake
Mastiha flavored Almond Cake

Cinnamon buns with Mastiha
Traditional Greek Christmas Bread with Mastiha Liqueur
Tsoureki (Greek easter bread)
Tsoureki Bread Pudding with Mastiha Creme Anglaise
Mastiha Brownie bites with Metaxa Cherries
Mastiha Brownies
Olives with Yogurt, Mastiha, and Honey
Mastiha Pudding
Mastiha scented Panacotta
Ekmek Kataifi with Mastiha
Napoleons with Mastiha and Rose water
Butter Cookies with Mastiha
Mastiha and Chamomile Ice Cream
Creamy Mastiha Ice Cream

www.mastihabest.com          mastiha10@gmail.com    We export all year round.



 We ship to all parts of the world for drinks and recepies  see  http://masticbest.wordpress.com/spirits/

e mail :   mastiha10@gmail.com    -   we export all year round

Chios Mastiha Gum

best mastiha

Chios Mastiha

What is Mastiha? 

Mastiha is the natural and rare tree resin of the pistacia lentiscus var Chia tree. Scientific research has shown that this resin has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities.  It has been documented from antiquity for its health benefits, its use as the first natural chewing gum and as a cooking spice. Today, it is still chewed as well as used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and in the culinary world.  Chios Mastiha contributes to a healthy gastrointestinal system and has beneficial effects for both oral hygiene and skin care.

Chios Mastiha is protected by the European Union as a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) product.  This distincion recognizes the name of a specific region or country where a specific agricultural product originates exclusively due to the geographical environment.  This includes the natural and human factors and production, alteration and processes which take place in the delineated geographical area.  All PDO products bear the EU symbol designating them as such.

Chewing Chios Mastiha is a truly unique experience.  To create your own natural piece of gum, select a few medium pieces of the resin, or combine a small piece with a large one.  The larger pieces tend to be softer than the small ones, so it is recommended that one chew a mixture rather than chew only the small, hard pieces.  Before chewing, let the pieces moisten in your mouth. Mastiha may taste a bit bitter at first, but that taste fades into a light herbal flavor.  Begin chewing and Mastiha becomes a white silky color.  The resin keeps its hard texture indefinitely and this is precisely why it is recommended for gum health and amazingly clean teeth!  Keep chewing the gum for a half hour in order to gain all the therapeutic benefits.

www.mastihabest.com       mastiha10@gmail.com

We export all year round.

Chios Mastiha Capsules

Chios Mastiha capsules are an excellent way to guard your digestive system from stomach upsets and negative bacteria infiltration. It also helps in maintaining peptic system hygiene and relieving symptoms associated with acid reflux, ulcers, Crohn's disease and IBS.
Contains   350mg pure chios mastiha capsules.
E mail :  mastiha10@gmail.com       -   we export all year round


e-mail :
masticbest@gmail.com          general   questions
mastihainfo@gmail.com        best  mastiha  orders
bestmastiha@gmail.com       organic  mastiha orders
mastiha10@gmail.com          wholesale  orders export
mastiha100@gmail.com        retail    orders  export
Note :  We answer all our e mails within a day  -  delay time from 1 – 10 hours due to high traffic.  Free samples available you just pay for shipping and insurance we refund cost on first order.

 E mail :  mastiha10@gmail.com               -     we export all year  round


Mastic Mastiha (Greek): Μαστίχα) is a resin obtained from the mastic / mastiha tree (Pistacia lentiscus). in pharmacies and Nature shops it is called “arabic gum” (not to be confused with gum Arabic and “Yemen gum”. In Greece it is known as the “tears of Chios, ” being traditionally produced on that Greek island, and, like other natural resins is produced in “tears,” or droplets. Originally liquid, it is sun dried into drops of hard, brittle, translucent resin.
When chewed, the resin softens and becomes a bright white and opaque gum. The word mastic derives from the Greek verb mastichein “to gnash the teeth”, origin of the English word masticate.
The word for mastic is a synonym for “gum” in many languages.

e mail :  mastiha10@gmail.com     -   we export all year round


Chios Mastiha is a unique product with many beneficial qualities and wide- ranging uses since antiquity. Nowadays, it is used in pharmaceuticals, perfumes, cosmetics, beverages, bakery goods, sweets as well as in cooking. Chios Mastiha is the natural resin of pistacia lentiscus var. Chia, a tree which grows only on the Aegean island of Chios, Greece. Scientific research shows that Chios Mastiha has anti- microbial, anti- inflammatory, and healing activity. Also, it has beneficial effects on both body hygiene and skin care.

www.mastihabest.com     -   mastiha10@gmail.com

Organic Olive Oil with Mastiha

According to a survey by American researchers, the extra virgin olive oil (olive oil produced by cold pressing of olives - without heating and the acidity is too short) contains a substance similar to an ordinary action-inflammatory analgesic and offers the same cancer protection .
Extra Virgin Olive Oil*, Chios Mastiha* 0,5%


www.mastihabest.com     -   mastiha10@gmail.com


Mastiha is traditionally used as a mean to relieve stomach problems. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, supports that mastiha contributes to a healthy gastrointestinal system. Inouline is a plant fiber from chicory roots and helps the development of beneficial intestinal bacteria (bifidus).
Ingredients: Chios mastiha (60%), inouline (40%)

www.mastihabest.com    -     mastiha10@gmail.com

we export 365 days per year.